
Set up a KBPublisher view

Article ID: 2
Last updated: 24 Aug, 2023

There are 3 different views for KBPublisher, Left Menu, Browsable and Intranet.
Left Menu is set by default. See below. 

Left Menu





To change view

  • Sign in to the knowledgebase
  • Go the Admin Area
  • Click on the Settings menu and choose the Public Area -> Common tab
  • Select required view in the View format field
  • For Left Menu and Intranet views you can specify which menu type to use, set Left Menu Type
  • Click Save to save the changes
  • Go to Public Area to see/test your new settings

To customize view

See below articles for details

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Article ID: 2
Last updated: 24 Aug, 2023
Revision: 1
Access: Public
Views: 15
Comments: 0